8S055 Dugan Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554    |    630-466-0303    |   info@skdmail.org

Christian Service

At St. Katharine Drexel Parish, our christian service ministries are under the umbrella of the Justice & Service Commission. Their mission; To respond and make visible in action as a faith community (Matthew 25: 31-48), to educate about Catholic Social Teachings, to engage in actions for justice and peace, and to support current-day programs similar to efforts that St. Katharine Drexel created e.g. caring for the poor.

Here are some of the organizations we support…
There are any number of local, national, and international charities that are supported by your generosity to the parish. We would like to share some of this information and ways you can support through your gift of time, treasure, or prayers.

Between Friends Food Pantry – https://www.sugargrovefoodpantry.org/copy-of-give-help-1

Feed My Starving Children – https://www.fmsc.org/get-involved/volunteer or https://give.fmsc.org/give/76206/#!/donation/checkout

Hesed House – https://e.givesmart.com/events/h2e/

Hope for Haitians – https://hopeforhaitians.org/

Northern Illinois Food Bank – https://solvehungertoday.org/

Waterleaf Women’s Clinic – https://waterleafwc.org/

St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Katharine Drexel Parish – https://svdp-skd.org/
Our motto is “Changing Lives…Restoring Hope.” We do this by providing person-to-person service to those in need within the community. Visit their website for more details.